

Audhubillahi Mina Shaytani Rojeem. Bismillah Rahamanir Raheem. As Salaam Alaekum Waramatulahi Wabareakatuhu. Protocol: We glorify Almighty Allah (SWT) Who has preserved us to witness today’s matriculation ceremony – the official welcome ceremony of our fresh students into Al-Hikmah University. Today’s event highlights the process of formally becoming bonafide students of our Great University, Al Hikmah...
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Prof. Suleiman Yusuf Abdulmalik, a Professor of Agriculture in the Department of Crop Production, Faculty of Agriculture, Al-Hikmah University, Ilorin who is on sabbatical appointment from Ibrahim Babangida University, Lapai, Niger state,, has won the TETFUND research project intervention grant on a research project titled: “Elemental Analysis of Shea Butter Residence Composite as Affected by Additional...
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The board of trustees (BOT) of Tertiary Education Trust Fund (TETFUND), in line with its mandate to support the publication of textbooks in identified critical areas for the use of Nigerian tertiary institutions under its book development project whose aim is essentially to address the paucity of reading and learning materials in tertiary educational institutions...
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This is to use this medium to inform the public that the School Management is working extra hard towards projecting Al-Hikmah University International School to the outside world and be counted among high rated colleges in the State, as well determined to improve the academic quality and standards of the pupils in the school. Consequently,...
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The management of Al-Hikmah University hosted the Registrar and other executives of the African Institute for Public Health Professionals for a 2-day brainstorming session in the University for kick-starting different academic and professional postgraduate programmes on Public Health in the University. The University Team was led by the Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences,...
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As salam alaykum. Pls be informed that the University Master Qualifying Examinations (oral or written) as well as credentials screening for MPhil/Ph.D,Ph.D and Post Graduate Diploma applicants are scheduled to hold on Saturday 5th February, 2022 at 9am. Candidates are to make themselves available at the Adeta campus on the Scheduled Date from 8:30am.Thank you.
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The book launch of Prof. Abdulbaqi Agaka – a Professor of Arabic Studies, Usman Dan Fodio University, Sokoto, brought eminent Islamic clerics to Al-Hikmah University, today, Saturday, 19th December, 2021.The University Auditorium, venue of the event was filled to capacity with invited guests and students of Arabic and Islamic studies across the country. Prominent Islamic...
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