

The Vice-Chancellor marked his fourth year in office on Friday, 12th July, 2024 with modest events. These include Press Briefing which was held at the Council Chamber between 10.00am and 12.00noon. Present at the briefing were other Principal officers of the University including Prof. Ganiyu Olalekan Akashoro (Deputy Vice-Chancellor), Dr. Kazeem Adebayo Oladimeji (Registrar), Mr....
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Commissions Al-Hikmah varsity’s Faculty of Nursing Complex named after him Vice President Kashim Shettima has identified agricultural revolution as the only bold step Nigeria can take to put an end to insecurity and reduce poverty among its growing population. This, he said, can be achieved through the deployment of technology to actualise food security among...
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On Wednesday, 23rd August, 2023, Al-Hikmah University hosted the Director-General of Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria (FRIN), Ibadan, Prof. Z. B. Yaduma and delegation from the Institute for the flag-off of the Green Campus Initiative and Foundation Laying Ceremony of Abdulraheem Oladimeji FRIN Outstation, at Igbaja campus.At the ceremony was the Founder and Chairman, Board...
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The Founder of Al-Hikmah University, Alh. Chief (Dr.) AbdulRaheem Oladimeji, OFR, FNAEAP, fSPSP in company of the University Management led by the Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Noah Yusuf, received the second batch of Katsina State students who are sponsored by the state government for various academic programmes in Al-Hikmah University. The journey from Katsina to Ilorin was...
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The Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Noah Yusuf, has unveiled the Strategic Plan (2022 – 2026) of the University after the Senate meeting held at the University Auditorium on Wednesday, February 1, 2023. According to the Vice-Chancellor, this is the first time in its 18 years of existence as the first Islamic Faith-based University in Nigeria, that it...
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Alhamdulilah. Al-Hikmah University, Ilorin, has once again blazed the trail in academic excellence as it recorded 100% success in the November 2021 NUC Accreditation exercise which was conducted in January, 2022. The results of the Accreditation exercise which was released by the regulatory body early this week reveal that Al-Hikmah University had FULL ACCREDITATION STATUS...
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Audhubillahi Mina Shaytani Rojeem. Bismillah Rahamanir Raheem. As Salaam Alaekum Waramatulahi Wabareakatuhu. Protocol: We glorify Almighty Allah (SWT) Who has preserved us to witness today’s matriculation ceremony – the official welcome ceremony of our fresh students into Al-Hikmah University. Today’s event highlights the process of formally becoming bonafide students of our Great University, Al Hikmah...
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