AL-HIKMAH UNIVERSITY, NIGERIA*CENTRE FOR RESEARCH, INDUSTRIAL LINKAGE AND INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION (CRIIC) 5TH WEBINAR SERIES** TOPIC👇 “Parental Involvement As Predictor of Students’ Success in School “ Prof. (Dr.) Zahyah HanafiAcademic Fellow, School of Education and Cognitive Science, Asia-e University, Malaysia & Founder/CEO, ZAGE Global Education, Malaysia.Discussant 1 👆 Prof. Sidiqat IjaiyaDepartment of Educational Management & Counselling,...Read More
As Salaam Alaekum Waramatulahi Wabarakatuhu. I sincerely congratulate all our graduating students who are convocating on Saturday, 5th December, 2020. The convocation is to be conducted virtually as approved by the Governing Council of the University. The decision to conduct virtual convocation was based on the strict instruction from the NUC, Federal Ministry of Education...Read More
IMPORTANT NOTICE Dear Sir/Ma, Please be informed that the Centre for Research, Industrial Linkage and International Cooperation (CRIIC) will organise workshop for all academic staff. The details of the workshop are stated below👇👇 Title of the Workshop 👇👇“Teaching Pedagogy” Facilitators*👇👇 Prof. (Mrs.) F. A. O. Olasehinde-Williams(Dean, Faculty of Education, University of Ilorin)Prof. R.A. Lawal(Former DVC-Academics,...Read More
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