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Al-Hikmah University, Ilorin, participated in the 26th edition of the Nigeria University Games Competition (NUGA) hosted by the University of Lagos between 16 – 27 March 2022. The University, which is competing for the first time in its over 17 years of existence, won a silver medal in Taekwondo, a feat performed by Oyelami Zainab Odunayo,...
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Audhubillahi Mina Shaytani Rojeem. Bismillah Rahamanir Raheem. As Salaam Alaekum Waramatulahi Wabareakatuhu. Protocol: We glorify Almighty Allah (SWT) Who has preserved us to witness today’s matriculation ceremony – the official welcome ceremony of our fresh students into Al-Hikmah University. Today’s event highlights the process of formally becoming bonafide students of our Great University, Al Hikmah University,...
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Prof. Suleiman Yusuf Abdulmalik, a Professor of Agriculture in the Department of Crop Production, Faculty of Agriculture, Al-Hikmah University, Ilorin who is on sabbatical appointment from Ibrahim Babangida University, Lapai, Niger state,, has won the TETFUND research project intervention grant on a research project titled: “Elemental Analysis of Shea Butter Residence Composite as Affected by Additional of...
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