

(Application Form should be completed online)

1.         Staff Personal Information:

i.          Name of staff: _____________________________________________________

            ii.         Staff  File No.: _____________________________________________________

            iii.        Unit: _____________________________________________________________

            iv.        Rank: ____________________________________________________________

            v.         Position held: ______________________________________________________

vi.        Date of first Appointment: ____________________________________________

            vii.       Official Email: …         Phone No.______________________

2.         Leave Details

            i.          Type of Sabbatical Leave (Administrative, Industry, or Others) please specify

            ii.         Duration of Leave (Specific dates):_____________________________________

            iii.        Purpose of Leave (Brief description): __________________________________

3.         Leave Plan

            i.          Objectives of the sabbatical leave:______________________________________

            ii.         Expected outcomes or achievements:____________________________________

            iii.        Plan for completing tasks or ensuring continuity of work during leave:_________

4.         Supporting Documents

 i.   Letter of sabbatical appointment from host institution/industry: Available ( ) Not Available ()

 ii.  Proposed activities or work plan (you may attach to application form)

 5.        Leave Schedule

            i.          Date of leave: From________________________To:_____________________

            ii.         Expected return date:_______________________________________________

6.         Contact information during Leave

a.         Staff Information:

                        i.          Address: __________________________________________________

                        ii.         Phone Number: _____________________________________________

                        iii.        Email: ____________________________________________________

b.         Sabbatical Employer’s Information:

                        i.          Designated Unit:______________________________________________

ii.         Address: ____________________________________________________

                        iii.        Phone Number: ______________________________________________

                        iv.        Email: ______________________________________________________

7.         Recommendation

i.          Recommendation from Head of Unit: 

Recommended                        ( )                    Not Recommended                        ( )

                        Name:_______________________   Signature:___________Date:____________

ii.         Recommendation from Registrar: 

Recommended                        ( )                     Not Recommended.                       ( )

Name:_______________________   Signature:___________Date:____________

8.         Vice-Chancellor’s Approval

                        Approved                                 (  )                     Not Approved                    (  )

Name:_______________________   Signature:___________Date:____________



(Application Form should be completed online)


1.         Staff Personal  Information

i.          Name of staff:_____________________________________________________

            ii.         Staff  File No.: ____________________________________________________

            iii.        Department/ Faculty: _______________________________________________

            iv.        Rank: ___________________________________________________________

            v.         Position held: _____________________________________________________

            vi.        Date of first Appointment: ___________________________________________

            vii.       Official Email:…     Phone No.________________________

2.         Leave Details

            i.          Type of Sabbatical Leave (Research, Study, or Other), please specify__________

            ii.         Duration of Leave (Specific dates):____________________________________

            iii.        Purpose of Leave (Brief description):)__________________________________

3.         Leave Plan

            i.          Objectives of the sabbatical leave:______________________________________

            ii.         Expected outcomes or achievements:____________________________________

            iii.        Plan for completing tasks or ensuring continuity of work during leave:_________

4.         Supporting Documents

i.      Letter of sabbatical appointment from host institution: Available ( )  Not Available ( )

            ii.     Proposed activities or work plan (you may attach write-up to application form)

 5.        Leave Schedule

            i.          Date of leave: From__________________________To:_____________________

ii.         Expected return date:________________________________________________

6.         Contact information during Leave:

a.         Staff Information:

            i.          Address: __________________________________________________________

            ii.         Phone Number: ____________________________________________________

            iii.        Email: ____________________________________________________________

b.         Sabbatical  Employer’s Information:

i.          Designated Department:______________________________________________

            ii.         Address: __________________________________________________________

            iii.        Phone Number: ____________________________________________________

            iv.        Email: ____________________________________________________________

7.         Recommendations

i.          Recommendation from Head of Department:

Recommended                        ( )                   Not Recommended                         ( )

                         Name:___________________   Signature:______________ Date:____________

ii.         Recommendation from Dean of Faculty:

Recommended                        ( )                   Not Recommended                        ( )

                         Name:___________________   Signature:______________ Date:____________

8.         Vice-Chancellor’s Approval

 Approved                               (  )                     Not Approved                              (  )

Name:__________________________   Signature:______________ Date:____________

Note:     The softcopy of the filled form and other relevant documents should be forwarded to the official e-mail address ( of the Registrar on or before 20th September, 2024.

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