University Advancement Centre

Brief history of the Centre

Al-Hikmah University Centre for Advancement was established in November 2021 by the management under the visionary Vice Chancellor, Professor Noah Yusuf The centre was established as catalyst for additional source of funding for the university. It is also set up as a mechanism to enhance the ranking, branding and national and global recognition of the university. As the first Islamic-faith based University in Nigeria, the university blends quality education with relatively low rate of school fees. The University charges the lowest fees among private Universities in Nigeria. It is in to make up for this low rate that the centre was established with the mandates listed below

Mandate of the Centre

1. To create awareness, nationally and globally, about the mission and vision of the University;

2. To ensure good life for our students even after graduation;

3. To support the University in her crave for excellence through collaboration with well-meaning individuals, corporate organizations and alumni members;

4. To search and attract intellectuals to deliver lectures that can enhance the University’s capacity for intellectual and knowledge development; and

5. To tap into existing good will and potentials of the university to continuously develop infrastructure, generate funds to create attractive environment and support programmes and projects for the University

The Mission of the Centre

To serve as a catalyst in promoting participatory funding for the University.