- ASSAYOUTI S.O (2010): (النظام الصوتى للغة اليوروبا فى اللغة العربية) Sound System of Yoruba Language in Arabic Traces and Influence” ISBN- 978-978.916-776-0. T.J MASTERGRAFIKS COMPUTERS Lire-Lagos Nigeria.
- ASSAYOUTI S.O (2012) (آد)‘Arabic Literary Heritage of Nupe in Ilorin”. ISBN- 978-9789227266 T.JMASTERGRAFIKS COMPUTERS Itire-Lagos Nigeria. Alfitrah Computer Centre
- النشبيه عند القاهر الجرجانى دراسة تحليلية مقارنة lfltrah Computer Centre ISBN – 9789789673841
- أضواء البيان في إيضاح الأدب العربي بأمريكا Alfitrah Computer Centre ISBN-9789789678384
- ASSAYOUTI S.O (2009) (النثر الفنى عند الجانظ وأثره فى كتاب البخلاء للجاحظ) “Literary Prose of Jaiz and effect in his Book Al- Bukhalau (Misers)”. Transformation in Nigeria NATAIS? Department of Arabic, Usman Dan Fodiyo University, Sokoto, Nigeria. Chapter 26, Page 292
- ASSAYOUTI S.O (2012): (آداب اللغة العربية والإسلامية في بلاد نوفي (دراسة تحليلة للأدب النةفاوي في إلورن) “Arabic and Islamic Studies Manuscript as Heritage in Nupeland: Challenges and Prospects”. Published by Nupe Islamic Arabic Cultural Organization (NIACO).
iii. ASSAYOUTI S.O (2013) (اغراض الأمر البلاغية في القرآن الكريم ومقاصدها في تقديم الأمن للحياة) Aghradhu’ ala lbalaghiyyah Ill Qur’ani’l karim wa maqasiduha fii taqdimil amn lii hayat”. in the book: “NATIONAL SECURITY AND DEVELOPMENT IN CONTEMPORARY NIGERIA”, Vol. 2, Chapter thirty-four College press.
- ASSAYOUTI S.O. (2013): (مشكلات التعليم العربي والإسلامي فى الجامعات الأفريقيا وأثرها فى الجامعات النيجيرية) “Mushkilatut-atclim’l, arabiy wa’l-Islamiy fil Jamicati’l ifriqiyah wa atharuha fil jamicati n naijira’. In the book: “ARABIC & ISLAMIC STUDIES IN WEST AFRICA AND THE CHALLENGES OF THE TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY”, a Publication of the Department of Arabic and Islamic Studies Kogi State University Ayingba, pp. 86-93 Also Accepted for publication in the University Kebangsaan Malaysia, 2016.
- ASSAYOUTI S.O. (2014): At Tacrib; Macanau maca Tahili Ara’u’l-cUlama Hawla Wuqucihi fi’l-Qur’āni’l-Karim. “”التعريب معناه وقوعه في القرآن الكريم” مع تحليل آراء العلماء حوله Arabic and Topical Issues in Arabic and Islamic Studies: NATAIS Books of Professor A.A. Badmus.
- ASSAYOUTI S.O. (2016): (الأدب العربي والتعايش السلمي فى نيجيريا) “Al-Adabul-cArabi wa-t-Tacayush-s-Silmi fi Naijiriya”. In the Book X “ARABIC LITERATURE AND HIGHER EDUCATION IN NIGERIA (ASALIN)”, Kwara State University, Malete, pp. 291-311.
- ASSAYOUTI S.O. (2015). (إعادة النظر فيما يسمي بعصر الإنحطاط الأدبي والعلمى) Icadatu-Nazar fimā yusamma bi casri’l-Inhitāt al-Adabī wa’mlt” The Fountain Bayero University, Kano. Pp. 99-116
- ASSAYOUTI S.O (2006): (التربية الإسلامية فى نيجيريا رجالها ومصادرها) Islamic Education in Nigeria: Its Authors and Books. Ayinba Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies, Kogi State University Nigeria, Vol. 2 No. 2 1427 A.H. page 103
- ASSAYOUTI S.O (2007) (منهج اللغة العربية الإسلامية فى المداس الحكومية في نيجيريا) Arabic and Islamic Studies vol. 8 No. 1 Lagos State University (LASU), Lagos State Nigeria.
- ASSAYOUTI S.O (2007) (الإنشاء البلاغي في الأدب العربي) “Rhetorical Studies of the composition in Islamic Literature”. Journal of Nigeria Language village, Ngala (Inter University Centre for Arabic Studies) Vol. 1 No. 1 Borno State Nigeria.
- ASSAYOUTI S.O (2007): (الغرض من دراسة النقد الأدبي) “The purpose of Studying Literature Criticism” Springboard Journal. No, 1, Volume 2, 2009 (Al-Hikmah University Ilorin Nigeria) page 124
- ASSAYOUTI S.O (2010): (أسباب تغفب لهجة قريش على اللهجات العربية) “The Reason why Quiraish Dialect avails other Arabic Dialect. Al-Asaalah International Journal. Published by: Departments of Arabic and Islamic Studies, College of the Humanities, Al-Hikmah University, Ilorin, Nigeria.
- ASSAYOUTI S.O (2011): (الحكمة فى معلقة زهير بن أبى سلمي)“The Wisdom of Mualaqat Zuhair”. Journal of the Nigeria Association of Teachers of Arabic and Islamic Studies, Department of Religious Studies, University of Adeo-Ekiti, Nigeria.
- ASSAYOUTI S.O (2012): (القيلس اللغوى وسيلة من وسائل نمو اللغة العربية) “Al-Qiyas Al-lugawy Wasilatun min Wasailin-Numuwi Al-Lugati arabiya “Al-Asaafah International Journal, Published by Department of Arabic and Islamic Studies. College of the Humanities, Al- Hikmah University, Ilorin, Nigeria.
- ASSAYOUTI S.O (2012): (إسهامات الشيخ آدم الإلورى في نشر اللغة العربية الحديثة) “Contributions of As-Shaykh Adam Al-Ilory in the Spreading of contemporary Arabic Language (Ishamatu as-Shaykh Adam Al-Iloru fi nashri Illugatil arabiyyah al-hadithah). Shaykh Adam in the Tableau of immortality. Volume II page 580 University of Ilorin, Ilorin Nigeria.
- ASSAYOUTI S.O (2012): (ظاهرة المدح فى اعمال أحمد شوفي الأدبية) “Eulogy aspect in the literary works of Ahmad Shaoqi Al- Hikmah University, Ilorin, Nigeria.
- ASSAYOUTI S.O (2012) (اللغة العربية ووحدة مسلمي نيجيريا)“Arabic Language and unity of Muslims in Nigeria” (Al-Lugatul ‘arabiyyah wa wah’datul Muslimin naijiriyyah). Mad journal. Nasaraw State University Nigeria.
- ASSAYOUTI S.O and Abdur-Rasheed Olayiwola Ayuba (2013): “The Correspondence of Language theory to a Theory of translation: Implications for Translating pedagogy”. Ayingba Journal of Arts and Humanities. A publication of the Faculty of Humanities, Kogi State University Ayingba, Nigeria.
- ASSAYOUTI S.O (2013): (ماضى اللغة العربية وحاضرها ومستقبلها في نيجيريا) “Arabic Language in Nigeria: The Past, the present and Future” Published by Springboard Journal Al-Hikmah University, Ilorin, Kwara State-Nigeria.
- ASSAYOUTI S.O (2013): (الجاحظ وسرد القصة فى كتاب البخلاء)“Al-Ja’iz wa sard al-qisah fi’l-bukhala’a” Al-Kunuuz Journal. A publication of Arabic and Islamic Department, faculty of languages and communication studies, Ibrahim Badamasi Universitym, Lapai, Niger State, Nigeria, Vol 1, No. 1
- ASSAYOUTI S.O (2014): (نظرات في القصة العربية وملامحها في كتاب البخلاء للجاحظ) Majalla al-Assima Refereed Annual Research Journal Department of Arabic University College, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India (arabicuniversity@yahoo.com). Also published in Al-Hikmah Journal of Islamic Studies, Department of Islamic Studies, Umaru Musa Yar’adua University, Katsina
- ASSAYOUTI S.O (2015): (الشعر وإسهاماته فى بناء الشخصية الإسلامية فى عصر الرسول) Ash-Sicru wa “isharnathu fi binai snakhsayyi fi casri-r-Rasul”. “As-Siratu-n-Nabawiyyah as panacea for the revival of the Nigerian Nation“. An National Conference organized by the Department of Arabic and Islamic Studies, College of the Humanities, Al-Hikmah University, Ilorin, Nigeria.
- ASSAYOUTI S.O (2015): (النظام الصوتى للغة اليوربا في نيجيريا وآثاره في اللغة العربية) “Sound System of Yoruba Langaug ein Nigeria and its Impact on Arabic Language” Damarna International Jopurnal of Multi-Disciplinarians Umaru Musa Yar’adua University Katsina. Also published in Majjala Aj-Aasma Refereed Annual Research Journal, Department of Religion university College, Thiruvananthapuram Kerala, India. (Arabicuniveristy@yahoo.com).
- ASSAYOUTI S.O (2015): (اللغة العربية وتميزها من خلال دلالات أبنيتها الصرفية) “Al-lughatu’l-cArabiyyah wa tamayyuzuha min Kalidi llahi abniyatiha as arifyyah”. AlMaarif Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies, Faculty of Humanities Umaru Musa Yar’Adua University, Katsina (Accepted for publication).
- ASSAYOUTI S.O. (2016): (التاثير بين اللغة العربية واللغات الافريقية –يوروبا تموذجا) “At-Ta’thiru wat-Ta’athuru bayna lugati’l- Arabiyyah w ‘l-Lugati Afriqiyah: Yoruba Namawdhajan” International Conference on “Arabic Language in Africa today and Tomorrow”, University Mohammed Vo. Do Rabat, Morroco. (Accepted for publication).
- ASSAYOUTI S.O. (2017): (التراث الأدبى عند علماء أحياء غمبرى إلورن) “At-Thurathu’l Adabi cIna ‘Ulama’I Ahya’I Gambari Al-Hikmah Journal of the Humanities and social sciences vol. 2 no. 1 Al-Hikmah University, Ilorin, Nigeria. (Accepted for publication).
- ASSAYOUTI S.O. (2017): (اللغة العربية وعوامل انتشارها والحفاظ عليها فى إفريقيا) Al-Lugatu’l-cArabiyyah wa cawarnili intishariha, wa’l-Hifaz caleiha n-Afriqiyyah”, International Conference to be held at Institut d’Etudes et de Recharches pour l’arabisatlon, Universite Mohammed V de Rabat, Morroco, between 3rd – 7th of July, 2017.
- ASSAYOUTI S.O. (2017): (الرسول الأمين وحاجة المجتمعات إلى أمانته) “Ar-Rasulu’l-amin wahajatuhu al-Mujtamacat la amanatihi’ ‘National Conference with the Theme: Prophet Muhammed (SAW) as an Epitome of Peace, Sincerity and good Leadership, Organized by University of Harm in Collaboration with “NUSRET” Present a paper tagged “Prophet Muhammed (SAW) as an Epitome of Sincerity” (Accepted for publication).
- ASSAYOUTI S.O. (2017): (التأثر والتأثير بين اللغة العربية ولغات أفريقيا يوربا نموذجا) Al-Hikmah Journal of the Humanities and social sciences Vol. 2 No. 1 Al-Hikmah University, Ilorin, Nigeria. (Accepted for publication).
- ASSAYOUTI S.O. (2017): (اللغة العربية وعواما انتشارها والحفاظ عليها افريقيا) International Conference to be held at institute d’Etudes et de Recherches pour I’Arabisation, Universite Mohammed V. de Rabat, Moroco, between 3rd -7th of July 2017
- ASSAYOUTI S.O. (1999) (الأسلوب القصصي فى كتاب البخلاء للجاحظ) Al Jaiz’s Style of Storytelling in the Book of Misers Albukharaai): Unpublished (M.A Hons) Department of Arabic. University of Ilorin Nigeria.
- ASSAYOUTI S.O. (2004) (اغراض الأمر في القرآن الكريم دراسة ربلاغية) “Aghradu Amri fit quranhi karim: Dirasatun Batagiyyah (The objects of command in the Qur’an; A Rhetorical Study)” Unpublished (Ph.D) Department of Arabic, University of harm Nigeria.
- ASSAYOUTI S.O (2011): ديوان الأذهان “Brains: An Anthology of Life’. By: Muhammad Nasir M. Lawal SAB-TECH COMPUTERS Kaduna Nigeria.
- ASSAYOUTI S.O (2012) (ديوان كنز الحكمة) “Diwan of Kanzul-hikam”. By: Sirajudeen Abdullahi Lafiagi. RIDWANULLAHI PRESS 38 OPO-MALU Ilorin Nigeria.
iii. ASSAYOUTI S.O (2011) “The Camel Saddles”. By: Yahaya M. Jamiu. AL-MUDEEF PRESS Ilorin Nigeria.
- ASSAYOUTI S.O. (2009): (صدف العواطف) ‘Sadahi al-Awatir. By: Ibrahiin Saheed Olawu’ri AL-FAWZ PUBLISHER, LAGOS.
- ASSAYOUT1 S.O. (2016): (الحياةl)”The Life” By: Muhammad Nasir Muhammad Awwal. ALH UDA PUBLISHING CENTRE
- ASSAYOUTI S.O. (2009) (مقامة الإلورى) “Maqaamatul-llory”. By: Muhammad Awwal Abdusalam. DARUL UMMA PUBLISHING AGENCY Kano Nigeria.
- ASSAYOUTI S.O (2012) (أنوارا الفجر) “AnwaaruL-fajr Ii siirati sayyidil-bashar” (The dawn light in the history of the leader of the being). By: Adam Yahaya Murtadoh. KEWUDAMILOLA PRINTS Ilorin Nigeria.
- ASSAYOUTI S.O (2009) (البلاغة العربية: المعاني البيان الديع) “Aib alagatul-Arabiyyah (Alm a’aan, al-bayaan, aI-badee’i)” By: Dr. Usman Abdussalam. AL-MUDEEF PRESS form Nigeria.
- ASSAYOUTI S.O (2016):(السياسة المعاصرة بين الديموقراطية) “The Contemporary Politics Between Democratic Ideas and Shar’iah Principles”. By: Zubair Ibrahim Al-Imam. KEWUDAMILOLA PUBLISHING HOUSE, ILORN.
- ASSAYOUTI S.O (2011): (المقارنة البلاغية بين الأمثلة والاستعارة)’ Comparison Between Syntactic Manifestation and Rhetorical Analysis in Some Verses of The Glorious Qur’an”. By: Dr. Usman Abdussalam. AL-MUDEEF PRESS, ILORIN NIGERIA.
- ASSAYOUTI S.O. (1999): (حياة صفي الدين الحلي وأثرها فى شعره) The Life of Sofiyyud-deen Alhiliyyu and his poetic verses
- ASSAYOUTI S.O. (2017): (الشيخ مرتضى ألايا في السطور)Ash-Shaykh Murtado cAli Alaaya fi Sutur
- ASSAYOUTI S.O (2006) international Conference of Arabic and Islati’l- ic Studies in Africa (CAlLS harm Nigeria)
- ASSAYOUTI’ S.D (2007) The seminar organized by Islamic University AI-Madinah Saudi- Arabia 6-8 March 2007, In Medinah Saudi-Arabia
iii. ASSAYOUTI S.C (2010) First International Conference of Arabic and Islamic Studies in Africa and The Challenges of The 21st Century, Kogi State University, Ayingba Nigeria, 26-28 July
- ASSAYOUTI S.O (2011) Nupe Islamic Conference Organized by Nupe Islamic/Arabic Cultural Organization (NIACO) held at (JCAS). Bida, Niger State Nigeria.
- ASSAYOUTI S.O (2011) Workshop for Arabic Teachers organized by Al-Hikmah University harm! ISSESCORABAT MOROCCO held at AI-Hikmah University Ilorin Nigeria 12th – 14th December
- ASSAYOUTI S.O (2011) The Maiden Edition of Arabic Teacher’s Forum organized by Al-Hikmah University World Assembly of Muslim Youth Riyadh Saudi.Arabia. held at Al- Hikmah University harm Nigeria 20th -22nd October
vii. ASSAYOUTI S.O (2012) International Conference on the Life and Works of Shaykh Adam Abduliahi A!-llory, held at the University of llorin Nigeria 24th-25th August
viii. ASSAYOUTI S.O (2013) National Conference on Security and Peace Building in Nigeria: The Role of Arabic and Islamic Studies. Nigeria Association of Teacher of Arabic and Islamic Studies (NATAIS), held at CAlLS Ilorin Nigeria on I2th-24th April.
- ASSAYOUT1 S.O (2013) First National Conference of the College of the Humanities themed National Security and Development in Contemporary Nigeria, held at Al-Hikrnah University, Ilorin. between 12th l5thMay.20l3.
- ASSAYOUTI S.D (2014) Symposium titled: “The Educational State of Arabic and Islamic Schools in South West of Nigeria”. Organized by the Union of Nigerian Saudi Arabian (South West Zone), in harm, Kwara State. Nigeria.
- ASSAYOUTI S.O. (2015) First Inter-University-Qur’anic Recitation—and Memorization Competition. Al-Hikmah University, Ilorin, I 0 h, June, 2015.
xii. ASSAYOUTI S.O. (2015) Workshop on “Pedagogical Principles. Methods and Techniques” for academic staff. held at AI-Hikmah University, Ilorin, Auditorium between 20th -22nd October, 2015
xiii. ASSAYOUTI S.D (2015) (الادب العربى والتعايش السلمى في نيديريا) ‘Arabic Language and Peaceful Coexistence in Nigeria. National Conference of Academic Society for Arabic Languages and Literature in Nigeria (ASALLIN). Held at the University’ of Abuja, Abuja, between 26th – 29th October, 2015.
xiv. ASSAYOUTI S.O. (2016): (التاثير والتاثر بين اللغة العربية واللغات الأقريقيا يوربا نموذجا) At-Ta’thiru wat-Ta’athuru bayna Lugati’lcArabiyyah wa’l-lugati’l-Afriqiyah: Yorubā Namawdhajan”. International Conference on “Arabic Language in Africa Today and Tomorrow”, Université Mohammed V de Rabat, Morroco. (Accepted for Publication).
- ASSAYOUTI S.O (2017) (الرسول الأمين وحاجات المجتمعات إلى أمانته )’National Conference With The Theme: Prophet Muhammed (SAW) as an Epitome of Peace, Sincerity and Good Leadership, Organized By University of Ilorin In Collaboration With “NUSRET” Presented a paper Tagged “Prophet Muhammed (SAW) as an Epitome of Sincerity” (Accepted For Publication).
xvi. ASSAYOUTI S.O (2017): (اللغة العربية وعوامل اتشار ها والحفاظ عليها فى أفريقيا) Lugatu’l cArabiyyah wa cawāmili intishārihā, wa’1-Hifz caleihā LI Afiriqiyā”. International
Conference to be held at Institut d’Etudes et de Recherches pour I’Arabisation, Université Mohammed V de Rabat, Morroco, between 3rd – 7th of July 2017.
Paper presented and submitted for publication:
- ASSAYOUTI S.O (2013) (دور القصة والرواية فى توقير الأمن والأمان فى نيجيريا) Arabic Short Story and Novels on Security/Peace Building in Nigeria”. Journal of the Nigeria Association of Teachers of Arabic and Islamic Studies NATA1S) Lagos Nigeria.
Paper submitted for publication:
- ASSAYOUTL S.O. “النظام الصوتي للغة اليوربا في نيجيريا وأثره في اللغة العربية” Submitted for publication in the Research Journal. Studies on Arabic Language and Literature, Semnan University, Iran.
iii. ASSAYOUTI S.O “التشخيص في قصص كتاب البخلاء للجاحظ” Submitted for publication in the Research Journal, Studies on Arabic language and Literature, Semnan University, Iran to adrar.uni@yahoo.com