Mr. M.O Sule

Lecturer I

Historical Background

Born in Edo state and brought up in Kogi, Kwara, Ondo, Oyo, Osun, Plateau and Lagos States respectively, Mr Sule had wide exposure and experience in Newspaper journalism, field marketing, management consultancy and integrated marketing communications before leaving the town for the gown. He is humble, sociable and has a knack for knowledge acquisition across all fields of human endeavours that are relevant to his professional and academic. growth.

Educational History

Nurul Islamic School, Adavi, Kogi State

Government Secondary School, Omu-Aran,

Kogi State Owo High School, Owo, Ondo State

University of Lagos, Yaba, University of Lagos, Yaba, Lagos



Research Interest

Political Communication, Digital/ Social Communication, Health Communication, Development


  1. 1. Sule, M.O(2014).”Militancy, Media Reportage, National Security and Development in Nigeria” In Bello, Imam, I.B(ed.) National Security and Development in Contemporary Nigeria. Vol.1. Ibadan: College Press: pp.252-266
    2. Sule, M.O(2014) Exploration of Journalism Ethics in the Context of the Teachings of Prophet Muhammed(SAW): Key Recommendations for the Rejuvenation of Nigeria”. TSU Journal of Arts and Social Sciences, Taraba State University. Vol.3, No.3, September 2014. pp.158- 182.
    3. Sule, M.O & Ganiyu, M.A(2016), ” A Critical Review of the Interpretative Role of the Nigerian Media. In Ozohu- Suleiman and Mohammed S.(eds.) Mass Communication Education and Practice in Nigeria. Zaria: Ahmadu Bello University Press. pp.248- 263.
    4. Sule, M.O(2016) Religious Leaders, Political Communication and National Security: A Critical Appraisal of 2015 General Election. In Awodiya, D.O(ed.) Comparative Theories of Communication:A Compendium of Scholastic Essays, Critical Reviews and Research. Middletown: DE 19079, USA: Springboard Communication pp.161- 179
    5. Sule, M.O & Akashoro, G.O (2018). News Commercialisation and the Need for Public Oriented News. Ajayi Crowther University, Oyo, Nigeria
    6. Sule, M.O(2019). Challenges of Religious Consideration In News Reportage by Nigerian Media in the 21st Century. TSU Journal of Arts and Social Sciences, Taraba State University.Nigeria