1 | Azikwe, Uche etal | Whiter Nigeria Education? Sociologists’ Random Thoughts | LC189.9.W45 | 2 | 2021 |
2 | Michael, Omolewa | Comparative and International Education: A Study of selected national systems | LB43.C66 | 2 | 2021 |
3 | Magill, Richard, & Anderson David | Motor Learning and Control, Concepts and Applications. 12th ed. | BF295.M53 | 2 | 2021 |
4 | Mary Okenwa-Ojo, & Christopher O. Omoregie | Some Philosophies of About Education | LC5215.O54 | 3 | 2020 |
5 | RAO, V.K | Principle of Curriculum | LB1628.R36 | 2019 | |
6 | SINGH, PAL. S | Internationalizaton of Higher Education | LB2325.S54 | 2019 | |
7 | Hassan, A. Soliu | Topical Issues on Research Methodology | Q180.55.S25 | 2 | 2019 |
8 | Aromolara, E. A. | Fundamentals of Teaching | LB1025.3.A76 | 3 | 2019 |
9 | Selvam, Panner S.K. | Paradigm Shift in education | LB2153.p36 | 1 | 2019 |
10 | Mariyammal, A. | Objectives of Learning Environment | LB1044.87.M37 | 1 | 2019 |
11 | Dahama, O. P. | Educational and Communication for development. 2nd ed. | HN690.Z9.D34 | 1 | 2019 |
13 | Avwokeni, J. Arthur | Practical Research Methods… | Q180.55.A95 | 2 | 2019 |
14 | Ivowi U. M. O. | Access, Quality and Relivance in Nigeria Education | LB1050.A33 | 2018 | |
15 | Omomia Austin, Omomia Taiwo | Research Designs and Methods | Q180.55.A95 | 2 | 2018 |
16 | Mbajiogu, Ngozika Marian | Handbook of Science Education | LB1585.5.N46 | 1 | 2017 |
18 | Mbajiorgu, Mariam Ngozi | Handbook of Science Education | LB1885.5.N46 | 1 | 2017 |
19 | GRACY, A. | Education: Invention of Mankind | LB2831.58.G73 | 1 | 2016 |
20 | OKEBUKOLA, Peter A | Perils and promises of private university education in nigeria | LB2328.52 | 1 | 2015 |
21 | Visvanatha, G. | Challenges and Innovation in Education | LB1.27.V57 | 1 | 2015 |
22 | SINGH, PAL. S | Globalization and Educational Innovations | LB1027.P35 | 1 | 2015 |
23 | Visvanathan, G. | New Context for Learning | LB41.5.V57 | 1 | 2015 |
24 | Salvam, Pamer S. K. | Paradigm Shift in education | LB2153.p36 | 1 | 2015 |
25 | Akinpelu, J.A. | Essays in Philosophy and Education | LB638.A55 | 1 | 2015 |
27 | Nwankwo, L. John | Handbook on Research in Education and Social Sciences | LB1028.N93 | 1 | 2015 |
28 | Gracy, A. | Education Invention of Mankind | LB2831.58.G73 | 1 | 2014 |
29 | Selem, Pannere S. K. | Teaching Learning Paradigms | LB2153.T43 | 1 | 2014 |
30 | Okojie, Julius | The National Universities and University Education: Perspectives on the Development of a System | 1 | 2014 | |
31 | Shaikh, Javed | Educational Sociology | LC191.S52 | 1 | 2014 |
32 | Onuka, V.O.A. | Analysing of Educational Issues | LB14.7.O23 | 1 | 2014 |
33 | Obanya, Pai | Educationeering | LB14.7.O23 | 1 | 2014 |
34 | OLUMIDE, M Ogunyemi | Problems and challengies facing higher education | LB2170.O48 | 2013 | |
35 | AIMOLA, B.F | Citizenship education for national orientation | LB14.7.A56 | 2 | 2013 |
36 | KOLAWOLE, C.O | Curriculum design implementation & innovation | LB2361.K65 | 2013 | |
37 | Ojedele, K.P. | Challenges of Educational Development in Nigeria | LB2822.75.N5.O32 | 1 | 2013 |
38 | Chaube, B.S. | A Textbook of Education & Vocational Guidance | LB1043.C43 | 1 | 2013 |
39 | OJEDELE, P.K | Issues and concern in higher education in nigeria | LA1631.O88 | 1 | 2012 |
40 | POPOOLA, Tayo | Specialised reporting: a global trend in media training | LB1024.P64 | 1 | 2012 |
41 | OYELEKE, Banji | To who much is given | LB14.7.O94 | 1 | 2012 |
42 | BORICH, Gay | Effective teaching methods (7th)ed. | LB1140.3.B67 | 1 | 2011 |
43 | SANTROCK, W John. | Child development (13th)ed. | LB1051.M36 | 1 | 2011 |
44 | LANGAN, John | College writing skills with readings (8th)ed. | LB1631.L36 | 2011 | |
45 | JENNIE, Ray | Effective teaching methods (7th)ed. | LB1140.3.B67 | 2011 | |
46 | MADUEKE N Anthonia | Research procedure in education | LB1028.M33 | 2011 | |
47 | RATHER, A.R | Essentials of instructional technology | LB1028.R8 | 2011 | |
48 | GEOFFREY, Elliot | Educational and social change | LB14.7J35 | 2011 | |
49 | NWANKWO, I John | Handbook on Research on Education and Social Change | LB1028.M33 | 2011 | |
50 | JAISWAL, M.P | Comparative Education | LB14.7.J35 | 2011 | |
51 | Fenwick, Tara | Researching Education Through Actor-Network Theory | LB1135.P37 | 1 | 2011 |
52 | Papalia, E. Diane | A Child’s World: Infancy Through Adolescence | LB1135.P37 | 1 | 2011 |
53 | Dibu Ojerinde | Contemporary Educational Issues in Nigeria | LB14.7.O54 | 1 | 2011 |
54 | Agunbiade, J.B. | Citizenship Education for Today and Tomorrow | LB14.7.A49 | 1 | 2011 |
55 | Dibu Ojerinde | Public Examinations in Nigeria | LB3058.O54 | 1 | 2011 |
56 | Green, Andrew | Becoming a Reflector English Teacher | LB1576.B43 | 1 | 2011 |
57 | COWLEY, Sue | Getting the buggers to behave 4th)ed. | LB3013.C69 | 2 | 2010 |
58 | OKOJIE, Julius | 50 Years of university education in nigeria | LB2372.E.056 | 5 | 2010 |
59 | ARULSAMY, S | Application of ict in education | LB1576.7 | 2010 | |
60 | ARORA, Neeta | Educational philosophy | LB14.7.A16 | 2010 | |
61 | HARDER, Orlich | Teaching strategies: a guide to effective instruction | LB1025.3 | 2010 | |
62 | LAURENCE, C. James | Higher Education and Development | LB2361.L39 | 1 | 2010 |
63 | Seivam, Panner S.K. | Education System | LB14.7.P36 | 1 | 2010 |
64 | Penny, Timler | The Doctoral Examination Process: A Handbook for Examiners and Supervisor | LB2367.T56 | 1 | 2010 |
65 | Ikonta, Rose Nonye | Currents Trends in Curriculum and Instruction in English Language: A Text for Colleges and Universities | LB1576.I56 | 1 | 2010 |
66 | Nunn, Percy | Principles of Education | LB1028.R8 | 1 | 2010 |
67 | Muraina Mansuru Babatunde | A Guide on Policy Making and Educational Policy Analysis | LB1140.3.B67 | 1 | 2010 |
68 | Aggarwal, J.C. | Theory and Principles of Education | LB880.A44 | 1 | 2010 |
69 | Arora, Neeta | Educational Philosophy | LB14.7.A76 | 1 | 2010 |
70 | VENKATESWARAN, S. | Principles of education | LB147.V67 | 1 | 2009 |
73 | CHAUBE, P.S | Foundation of education (2nd)ed. | LB675.C43 | 1 | 2009 |
75 | NELCON, Shobana | Issues of information communication technology in education | LB1028.N35 | 1 | 2009 |
76 | Tiwary, Shaker Shiv | Philosophical and Sociological Foundation of Education | LB2371.P69 | 1 | 2009 |
77 | Chaudhari, S. Umran | Higher Education: Today and Tomorrow | LB2361.C53 | 1 | 2009 |
79 | Molagun, H.M. | A Guide to Sociology of Education | LC189.M65 | 1 | 2009 |
80 | Obanya, Pai | Dreaming Living and Doing Education | LA1501.O23 | 1 | 2009 |
81 | TYACK, B David | THE BEST SYSTEM | LA198.T93 | 2008 | |
82 | THOMAS MATHEW | Effective Teaching … (A measure of excellence) | LB11025.3 | 2008 | |
83 | MAHMUD, JAFAR | ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY | LB1088.M34 | 2008 | |
86 | NANDA, Jayashree | Education for all | LB147.N36 | 2008 | |
87 | Ivowi U. M. O. | Access, Quality and Relivance in Nigeria Education | LB1050.A33 | 1 | 2008 |
88 | Ampriya Chadha | Special Education: Helping Children with Attention Problems | LC3965.C43 | 1 | 2008 |
89 | Venkataiah, V. | Research in Value Education | LB1028.V46 | 1 | 2008 |
90 | Rao, K.V. | Alternative Education | LC46.3.R36 | 1 | 2008 |
91 | Garnery, Philip | Special Education Needs: The Way Concepts | LC4706.G37 | 1 | 2008 |
92 | Rao, K.V. | Sport Education | GV361.R36 | 1 | 2008 |
93 | Okegbile, A.S. | Education and Development in Northern Nigeria | LA163.F24 | 1 | 2008 |
94 | POWELL, Stuart | The doctorate worldwide | LB2371.P69 | 2007 | |
96 | NWAZUOKE, I A | Education for social transformation | LB147.N54 | 2007 | |
97 | OBAYA, Pai | African education in the EFA decade | LA1501.023 | 2 | 2007 |
98 | Powell, Stuart | The Doctorate Worldwide | LB2371.P69 | 1 | 2007 |
99 | Ojuedere, M.B. | Tips on Knowledge Acquisitions and Confidence Building | LB3060.57.O59 | 1 | 2007 |
100 | Moore, Sangh | Teaching at College and University: Effective Strategies and their Principles | LB2838.M66 | 1 | 2007 |
101 | Ayodeji, O. Ilesanmi | Planning and Evaluation Techniques | LC71.2.A96 | 1 | 2007 |
102 | SIDHU, S Kulbir | Methodology of research in education | LB1028.S68 | 2 | 2006 |
103 | HINTON, Allison | Encyclopaedia of classroom environment | LB15.E54 | 2006 | |
104 | ANTHONY, Ali | Conducting Research in Education and the Social Science | LB1028.A44 | 1 | 2006 |
105 | Haigh, Alan | The Art of Teaching | B1025.3.H35 | 1 | 2006 |
106 | Bhatia, K. K. | Principle and practice of Education | LB14.7.B53 | 1 | 2006 |
107 | Haigh, Alan | The Art of Teaching: Big Ideas, Simple Rules | LB1025.3.H35 | 1 | 2006 |
108 | Briggs Nimi D. | Turning the Tide | LB2322.2.B65 | 1 | 2006 |
109 | Banjo, Ayo L. | Developmental English for Higher Institutions | LB2395.3.B36 | 1 | 2006 |
110 | Briggs, D. Nimi | Thoughts on University Education in Nigeria | LA1633.T46 | 1 | 2006 |
111 | Molagun, M.H. | Introduction to Philosophy of Education | LB1025.2.M65 | 1 | 2006 |
112 | Kayode, Banji | Comparative Education for Teacher Education Programmes in Nigeria | LB43.K39 | 1 | 2006 |
113 | Ali, Timothy | Conducting Research in Education and the Social Sciences | LB1028.A45 | 1 | 2006 |
114 | Salihi, Haruna | The Relevance of Education in a Society | LC911.N6.S25 | 1 | 2006 |
115 | Bhatia, K.K. | Principles and Practice of Education | LB14.7.B53 | 1 | 2006 |
116 | Assie-Lumumba, T. N’dri | Higher Education in Africa | LC2781.L86 | 1 | 2006 |
117 | RAMET, Adele | Creative writing | LB1631.R38 | 2 | 2005 |
118 | BLANCHER, Nick | Effective training system strategies and practice | LB177.5.B53 | 2005 | |
119 | Emerson, Lisa | Writing Guidelines for Social Science Students | LB1715.W75 | 1 | 2005 |
120 | Folorunsho, A.M. | Nasred Religion and Child Development | LC331.R45 | 1 | 2005 |
121 | Green, Howard | Doctoral Study in Contemporary Higher Education | LB2371.4.G74 | 1 | 2005 |
122 | Akinsanya, O. Patrick | Philosophising About Education | LB638.A55 | 1 | 2005 |
123 | Obidi, S.S. | Culture and Education in Nigeria: An Historic Analysis | LA1631.O25 | 1 | 2005 |
124 | Sasari, Abdulhadi Muhammed Abbat | Elementary Social Studies Course | LB584.S32 | 1 | 2005 |
125 | Eley, R. A. | Efective Postgraduate Supervision | LB2371.E44 | 1 | 2005 |
126 | AGGARWAL, JC | Teacher and education in developing society | LB1025.A44 | 2 | 2004 |
127 | Raghuran, K.R. | Educational Development | LB14.7.R3 | 1 | 2004 |
128 | Ahmed, Issa | Kwara Cails: The Journey So Far | LA1633.K39 | 1 | 2004 |
129 | Bidmos, A.M. | Islamic Education in Nigeria: Its Philosophy and Research Methods | LC911.B53 | 1 | 2003 |
130 | Haesi, A. Timothy | Children as Pawn: The Politics of Education | LC89.H21 | 1 | 2003 |
131 | Chaube, B.S. | School Organization | LB2901.C43 | 1 | 2003 |
132 | CHOUDHURRY. | Pre school children development care and education | LB115.C46 | 2002 | |
133 | Chaube, S. P. | Foundations of Education. 2nd ed. | LB1581.C43 | 1 | 2002 |
134 | Bruner, S. Jeronae | The Process of Education | L13.A2.B78 | 1 | 2002 |
135 | KERR, CLARK | THE USES OF THE UNIVERSITY (5TH)ED | LB2325.K43 | 2001 | |
136 | Ehrenberg, G. Ronald | Tuition Rising: Why College Cost so Much | LB2342.E42 | 1 | 2001 |
137 | Tyack, B. David | The One Best System: A History of American Urban Education | LA198.T93 | 1 | 2001 |
138 | LAMBERT, Linda | Building leadership capacity in school | LB2805.L26 | 2000 | |
140 | ONABANJO, Olufemi | Principles of educational broadcasting2000 | LB1044.O53 | 2000 | |
141 | Linn, L. Robert | Measurement and Assessment in Teaching | LB2825.75.I56 | 1 | 2000 |
142 | Umar, A. Baffa | Child Immunization Muslim Reactions in Northern Nigeria. | LA1631.U43 | 1 | 2000 |
143 | Annonymous | School business management | LB2823.5.S37 | 1999 | |
144 | Bell, Judith | Doing your Research Project | LA132.C43 | 1 | 1999 |
145 | HERMAN, L, Joan | Practical guide to alternative assesment | LB3051.H45 | 1998 | |
146 | Chaube, S.P. | Comparative Education | LA132.C43 | 1 | 1998 |
148 | Kaul, Lokesh | Methodology of Educational Research | LB1028.K68 | 1 | 1997 |
149 | Ajala, O. Victoria | Scholarly Writing Guide for Researchers | L5225.A31 | 1 | 1996 |
150 | Wideen, F. Marvin | Changing Times in Teacher Education | LB1707.C45 | 1 | 1995 |
151 | Jimoh, A.S. | Research Methodology in Education: An Interdisciplinary Approach | LB1028.J56 | 2 | 1995 |
152 | Siddiqui, Mujibul Hassan | Women Education: A Research Approach | LC2481.S58 | 1 | 1993 |
153 | Reynolds, David | School Effectiveness: Research, Policy and Practice | LB140.3.P35 | 1 | 1992 |
154 | Akinyemi, Adekunle | Book of Readings in Educational Theory and Practice | LA132.C43 | 1 | 1992 |
155 | KUMAL, KRISHAN | LIBRARY MANUAL | LB665.K86 | 1991 | |
156 | TANEJA, V.R | Educational thought and practice | LB675.T36 | 1990 | |
157 | Paley, G.V | The Boy who would be a helicopter: The Uses of Storytelling in the Classroom | LB140.3.P35 | 1 | 1990 |
158 | Taneja, V.R. | Educational Thought and Practice | LB675.T.T36 | 1 | 1990 |
159 | Akinpelu, J.A. | Language and Adult Education | LC5258.L36 | 1 | 1988 |
160 | Watson, George | Writing a Theses: A Guide to Long Essay and Dissertation | LB2369.W34 | 1 | 1987 |
162 | Stones, Edger | Supervision in Teacher Education: A Counselling and Pedagogical Approach | LB115.C46 | 1 | 1984 |
163 | Ibanga, Joe | Guide on Test & Measurement for Teachers and Students | LB1581.C43 | 1 | 1981 |
164 | Machado, M. Jearnne | Early Childhood Experiences in Language Arts | LB139.L3.M33 | 1 | 1980 |
165 | Ukeje, B.O. | Foundations of Education | B1025.3.H35 | 1 | 1979 |
166 | White, G.E. | Happiness in Education | LB14.7.B53 | 1 | 1977 |
167 | Adaralegbe, Adeniji | A Philosophy for Nigeria Education | LB1025.3.H35 | 1 | 1972 |
168 | KOCHHAR, S.K | Secondary school administration | LB2803.2.1.K63 | 1970 | |
169 | Kahans, Harvard | Logic and Philosophy | LB139.L3.M33 | 1 | 1969 |
170 | PETER, R.S | International Library of the Philosophy of Education | LB880.P47 | 1967 | |
171 | Peters, S.R. | International Library of the Philosophy of Education | LB147.N54 | 1 | 1967 |
172 | Leepe, R. Robert | Role of Supervisor and Curriculum Direction in Climate Change | LA1501.023 | 1 | 1965 |
173 | Eye, G. Glen | Supervision of Instructor: A Place of Administration | LB2371.P69 | 1 | 1965 |
174 | Ali, Anthony | Conducting Research in Education and the Social Science | LB3060.57.O59 | 1 | 1956 |
175 | Santrock, John | Child development (13th)ed. | LB675.T.T36 | 1 | 1952 |
176 | James, A. O., etal | Fundamentals of Inorganic Chemistry | QD453.3.F86 | 2 | 2021 |
177 | Keren, Timberlake | Chemistry: An Introduction to general, Organic, and Biological Chemistry. 13th ed. | QD31.3.T56 | 2 | 2019 |
178 | Siberberg Amateis | Chemistry: The Molecular Nature of Matter and Change | QD456.A43 | 2 | 2018 |
179 | Timothy Isioma Odiaka | University Inorganic Chemistry | QD151.3.O34 | 3 | 2017 |
180 | Overholser | Water Pollution by Agriculture Chemicals | TD178.O94 | 2 | 2014 |
181 | Babatunde, Agboola | Abbey Physical Chemistry | QD453.3A42 | 3 | 2014 |
182 | Smith Jomice Gorzynski | General Organic and Biological Chemistry | QD33.S76 | 1 | 2013 |
183 | Ram Tilak | Air Chemistry | QD163.R36 | 3 | 2013 |
184 | Pamwar Hemant | Heterocyclic Chemistry | QD400.P36 | 2 | 2013 |
185 | Atwood Paul | Chemistry Weapons | 2 | 2013 | |
186 | Mathur Nishit | Per cyclic Reactions | QD331.M38 | 2 | 2013 |
187 | Mathur Nishit | Quantum Chemistry | QD462.M38 | 2 | 2013 |
188 | Panwar Hemant | Petroleum Chemistry | TF692.5.P36 | 1 | 2013 |
189 | Francis A. Carey (et…al) | Organic Chemistry 8th (ed.) | QD256.W22 | 1 | 2012 |
190 | Robert Thornton Morrison (et…al) | Organic Chemistry | QD256.N37 | 2 | 2011 |
191 | Graham T.W Solomon | Organic Chemistry | QD256.S65 | 1 | 2011 |
91 | Shammas Nazih K. & Wang Lawrence | Water Supply and Wastewater removal: Fair, Cremer, Okun’s Wear and Wastewater Engineering 3rd Ed. | TD746.5.S42 | 1 | 2011 |
92 | Sharma B.K. | Industrial Chemistry | TP155.S52 | 1 | 2011 |
93 | Iqbal Syed A.& Iqbal N. | Textbook of Environmental Chemistry | TD193.I | 1 | 2011 |
94 | Martin Stephen F. & Gilbert G. | Organic Chemistry Lab Experiments | QD261.M37 | 1 | 2011 |
95 | Mathews Philip | Advanced Chemistry | QD31.M38 | 1 | 2011 |
96 | Goldberg David E. | Schaum’s Outlines 3000 Solved Problems in Chemistry | QD42.G65 | 1 | 2011 |
97 | Williamson K. & Masters K.M. | Organic Experiments: Macro Scale and Micro Scale 6th (ed.) | QD261.W55 | 1 | 2011 |
98 | Chang R. & Over by Jason | General Chemistry | QD33.2C43 | 1 | 2011 |
100 | Nad A.K. (et…al) | An Advanced Course in Practical Chemistry | 1 | 2011 | |
101 | Sharma Askok Kumar | Bioinorganic Chemistry | 1 | 2011 | |
102 | Sharma Askok Kumar | Biomolecular Chemistry | 1 | 2011 | |
103 | Henley Ernest J. (et…al) | Separation Process Principles | TP156.S46 | 1 | 2011 |
104 | Wade L.G. | Organic Chemistry | QD256.W23 | 1 | 2010 |
105 | Silberberg Martin | Principles of General Chemistry | QD40.S54 | 2 | 2010 |
106 | Timberlaje C. Karen | General Organic and Biological Chemistry (Structures of Life) | QD253.2.T76 | 1 | 2010 |
107 | Dennis Lillicrap and John Cousins | Food and Beverage Service | 1 | 2010 | |
108 | Manahan Stanley E. | Environmental Chemistry 9th (ed.) | TD193.M36 | 1 | 2010 |
109 | Peter Atkins (et…al) | Atkins Physical Chemistry | QD445.5.A85 | 2 | 2010 |
110 | Ahuja Pradeep | Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics | TP149.M7 | 1 | 2009 |
111 | Timberlake C. Karen | Chemistry ( An Introduction to General, Organic and Biological Chemistry) | 1 | 2009 | |
112 | Lee J. D. | Concise Inorganic Chemistry | QD151.3.L44 | 2 | 2009 |
113 | Prasad P.N. & Amarnath T.R. | Encyclopedia of Environmental Pollution: Biotechnology and Pollution Control (Vols. 1-10) | 1 | 2009 | |
114 | Silberberg Martin | Chemistry. The Molecular Nature of Matter and Change | QD456.A43 | 2 | 2018 |
115 | Kuchel Philip W. | Schaum’S Outlines Biochemistry | QP5183.S34 | 1 | 2009 |
116 | Burrows Andrew (et…al) | Chemistry: Introduction to Inorganic, Organic and Physical | 1 | 2009 | |
117 | Uppal M.M. ( | Engineering Chemistry (Chemical Technology) | 1 | 2009 | |
118 | Levine Iran N. | Physical Chemistry 6ths (ed.) | QD453.L48 | 1 | 2009 |
119 | Roberts George W. | Chemical Reactions and Chemical Reactors | QD501.R63 | 1 | 2009 |
120 | Wardle Brian | Principles and Applications of Photo Chemistry | QD708.2.W37 | 1 | 2009 |
121 | Manahan Stanley E. | Fundamentals of Environmental Chemistry 3rd (ed.) | QD193.M36 | 1 | 2009 |
122 | Libes Susan M. | Introduction to Marine Biogeochemistry 2nd (ed.) | 1 | 2009 | |
123 | Mortimer Robert | Physical Chemistry | QD453.3.M67 | 2 | 2008 |
124 | Alla Appa Rao | Chemistry of Water | QD39.3.R36 | 1 | 2008 |
125 | Olajire A Abass | Fundamental University Organic and Inorganic Chemistry | QD281.P6O53 | 1 | 2021 |
126 | Housecroft E. Caterine,[et… al] | Inorganic Chemistry | QD151.3.H68 | 5 | 2008 |
127 | Raymond Chang | Chemistry | QD31.3.C43 | 1 | 2008 |
128 | Deniston Katherine (et…al) | General, Organic and Biochemistry | QD253.2.D46 | 1 | 2008 |
129 | Stevens Malcolm | Polymer Chemistry (An Introduction) | QD381.S73 | 1 | 2008 |
130 | John W. Moore (et…al) | Chemistry (The Molecular Science) | QD31.3.M66 | 2 | 2008 |
131 | Rosen Jerome (et…al) | Theory and Problems of College Chemistry | 1 | 2008 | |
132 | Timothy Isioma Odiaka | A Modern Approach to Undergraduate Practical Inogranic Chemistry | QD151.3.O34 | 2 | 2008 |
133 | Atkins C. Robert (et… al) | Organic Chemistry (A brief course) | QD253.2.D46 | 1 | 2007 |
134 | Stoker Stephen | General, Organic and Biological Chemistry | QD253.2.D76 | 2 | 2007 |
135 | Saultz Mary Jane | Chemistry for Engineers | TP155.2.S58 | 1 | 2007 |
136 | Pavia Donald (et…al) | Introduction to Organic Laboratory Techniques (A Micro scale Approach) | QD261.I68 | 2 | 2007 |
137 | Raj Bansal | A Textbook of Organic Chemistry | QD251.3.B36 | 1 | 2007 |
138 | Chaltherjea MN and Shainderana | Textbook of Medical Biochemistry | RB112.5.C43 | 2 | 2007 |
139 | Okojo I.I. & N. Obi-Egbedi | Fundamental Physical Chemistry | QD456.S86 | 2 | 2007 |
140 | Thomas Engel (et …al) | Physical Chemistry | QD453.3.T46 | 2 | 2006 |
141 | Catherine E. Housecraft (et… al) | Chemistry (an Introduction to Organic, Inorganic and Physical Chemistry) | QD456.H68 | 1 | 2006 |
142 | Atkins Peter (et… al) | Inorganic Chemistry (Shrner na Atkins) | QD151.3.S57 | 2 | 2006 |
143 | Kotz John (et… al) | Chemistry and Chemical Reactivity | QD151.3.K68 | 1 | 2006 |
144 | Engel Thomas | Quantum Chemistry and Spectroscopy | QD463.E54 | 1 | 2006 |
145 | Engel Thomas (et… al) | Physical Chemistry | QD453.3.E54 | 1 | 2006 |
146 | Ghosh Jayashree | Fundamental concepts of Applied Chemistry | 1 | 2006 | |
147 | Tewari K.S. (et… al) | Textbook of Organic Chemistry | QD251.3.T49 | 1 | 2006 |
148 | Wade L.G. | Organic Chemistry | QD453.W23 | 1 | 2006 |
149 | Gilbert John (et …al) | Experimental Organic Chemistry | QD261.G55 | 2 | 2006 |
150 | Khan H.J.(et… al) | Dictionary of Chemistry | 2 | 2006 | |
151 | Carey, F.A | Organic Chemistry 6e | QD251.3.C37 | 2 | 2006 |
152 | Ahluwalia V.K.(et… al) | Organic Chemistry | QD453.A46 | 1 | 2006 |
153 | Krauskopf, K.B Beiser | The Physical Universe 11e | 2006 | ||
154 | Karia G.L. (et…al) | Waste Water Treatment | TD346.K24 | 2006 | |
155 | Atkins Peter (et… al) | Physical Chemistry for the Life Science | QD452.A35 | 1 | 2006 |
156 | Vermani O.P (et …al) | Applied Chemistry (Theory and Practice ) | QD45.V47 | 2 | 2005 |
157 | Sime Rodney | Physical Chemistry Calculations | QD453.3.S55 | 1 | 2005 |
158 | Silbey, Robert (et… al) | Physical Chemistry | QD450.S54 | 2005 | |
159 | Facer George (et… al) | As Chemistry | QD453.3.S55 | 2005 | |
160 | Zumdahi Steven S. | Chemical Principles | 2005 | ||
161 | Viswanathan B. (et… al) | Practical Physical Chemistry | QD457.2.V57 | 1 | 2005 |
162 | Miller James | Statistics and Chemo Metrics for Analytical Chemistry | QD75.4.M54 | 1 | 2005 |
163 | Smith. J.M. (et… al) | Introduction to Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics | TP156.E5.S55 | 2005 | |
164 | Change, R. | Chemistry 8e | QD31.3.C38 | 2 | 2005 |
165 | Darell Ebbing | General Chemistry | QD31.3.E22 | 2 | 2005 |
166 | Bill Meyer W. Fred | Textbook of Polymer Science | QD381.B52 | 1 | 2005 |
167 | Solomons T.W.G. & Fryhle C.B | Organic Chemistry 10th (ed.) | QD453.3.S55 | 1 | 2005 |
168 | Silbey/Alber & Bawendi | Physical Chemistry (ed.) | QD453.S55 | 2005 | |
169 | Felder Richard M. and Ronald W. | Elementary Principles of Chemical Processes | TP155.7.F45 | 2005 | |
170 | Bethlehem Frederick A. ( | Introduction to General, Organic and Biochemistry | QD31.3.B48 | 1 | 2004 |
171 | Budhiraja R.P. | Separation Chemistry | QD72.B83 | 2 | 2004 |
172 | Goodman Sam (et… al) | IGCSE Chemistry | QD261.C47 | 1 | 2004 |
173 | Stoker Stephen | General, Organic and Biochemistry | QD33.S76 | 1 | 2004 |
174 | West Skoog (et… al) | Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry | QD33.S76 | 1 | 2004 |
175 | Kar Ashotosh | Medicinal Chemistry 5th (rev. ed.) | 2004 | ||
176 | Christian Gary D. | Analytical Chemistry 6th (ed.) | QD101.2.C47 | 2 | 2004 |
177 | Shriner Ralph L. (et…al) | The Systematic Identification of Organic Compounds 8th (ed.) | QD261.S97 | 1 | 2004 |
178 | Timothy Isioma Odiaka | Modern Organometallic Chemistry | QD256.O34 | 3 | 2015 |
179 | Carey Francis | Organic Chemistry | QD453.C26 | 2003 | |
180 | Stanliskl, Comrade (et…al) | Chemistry in Context | QD415.C48 | 2 | 2003 |
181 | McMurry John | Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry | QD257.M36 | 1 | 2003 |
182 | Fried Joel R. | Polymer Science & Technology 2nd (ed.) | QD381.F73 | 1 | 2003 |
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