Department of Sociology and Criminology

Dr. Araba K Toyin

HOD, Department of Sociology and Criminology


 This Department was established in the year 2018 having realized the need to have capable hands to serve humanity as scholars and practitioners in the field of Sociology in line with international standards. This curriculum has been carefully designed and structured to reflect new developments at local and global levels, to enable the students to be practitioners capable of shaping a better and safer world. The Department is made up of competent, reliable and selfless scholars of national and international repute who have worked assiduously in their careers to also help you shape your future as you begin a new life.

1.0     Philosophy, Aims and Objectives 

(i) Philosophy

            The Philosophy underlying the B.Sc. Sociology programme is to produce a crop of graduates equipped with the appropriate knowledge and skills to make effective contributions to the development of Nigeria, Africa and the global community having been exposed to a broad foundation of knowledge in the field of Social Sciences in general and in the sub various sub-fields of Sociology in particular.

(ii) Aim

            The aim of the programme is to instill in students a sound knowledge of sociology, an appreciation of its application in different socio-cultural context and to involve the students in an intellectually stimulating and satisfying experience of learning and studying the working of society.The aim of the programme is to train students who should be able to build a career in the public and private sectors of the economy and in academia, as well as being able to assist in the management of human society in all various spheres, institutions or organization and to provide solution to wide-ranging societal problems.

(iii) Objectives

At the end of the programme, recipients will be able to:

  1. appreciate the importance of sociology in socio-cultural context, legal, economic, political, industrial and environmental contexts;
  2. apply sociological knowledge and skills for the understanding and solution of special problems in Nigeria and elsewhere; and
  3. exhibit a range of useful competencies in public and private employment.

  •       Learning Outcomes

This is a Programme leading to the award of B. Sc. Degree in Sociology. It is designed to train and produce graduates who have through training acquired appropriate knowledge and skills essential to enable them effectively contribute to the overall human development in Nigeria and the global community.

  •       Admission Requirements

            Admission in to the Bachelor of Sociology Programme shall be by UTME or Direct Entry.

(a)        UTME:

            Candidates who wish to study Sociology must obtain credit passes in Mathematics and English Language plus credit pass in Economics, Geography or Government and any other two subjects at the SSCE, NECO, GCE or their equivalents not more than two sitting. An acceptable UTME scores is required.

(b)       DIRECT ENTRY:

            In addition to “O” level requirement, candidates for Direct Entry admission shall passall prescribed courses in “A” level in at least two social science subjects.

  • Programme Duration:

            The duration of this course is four (4) academic sessions for UTME candidates and three (3) academic sessions for the Direct Entry candidates.

  • Graduation Requirements

(a) Course System

            A students would qualify for the award of the degree when the student has completed and passed all courses for, including all compulsory courses and such elective/optional courses as may be specified by the University/College; obtained a minimum cumulative CGPA specified by the University but not less than 1.50; earned the minimum credits of not less than 163 for UTME and 123 for Direct Entry. A student may be allowed to repeat failed courses at the next available opportunity, provided that the total number of credits carried during that semester does not exceed 24, and the Grade Point earned at all attempts shall count towards the CGPA.

            However, the Dean/College Board may allow a student additional 4 credits in deserving cases, per session. In addition, a student must meet other requirements that may be prescribe by the Department, College and the Senate, including being worthy in character.

             (b) Grading of courses

            A letter grade and numerical points shall be awarded each student based on the student total scores on all evaluation criterions as illustrated in the following table;

1 First Class 70-100 A 5 4.50-5.00
2 Second Class (Upper) 60-69 B 4 3.50-4.49
3 Second Class (Lower) 50-59 C 3 2.40-3.49
4 Third Class 45-49 D 2 1.50-2.39

6.0      Probation

            A student, whose cumulative grade point is below 1.50 at the end of a particular year of study, earns a period of probation for one academic session; such student on probation is allowed to register for course at the next higher level. In addition to his/her probation level courses provided University regulation on workload and pre-requisite courses is adhered to.

7.0       Withdrawal   

            A student whose cumulative grade point average is below 1.50 at the end of a particular period of probation shall be required to withdraw from the programme.

8.0       Modes of Student Assessment

Evaluation would be through continuous assessment: occasional written tests, term papers, seminar presentations, practical, oral examination and semester examination. The continuous assessment shall be 40% and semester examination 60%.


  1. Eligibility

Only those students who are duly registered for courses in a given semester are eligible to sit for examinations in those course(s) except:

a.         If a student for upward of six weeks, is absent from the University without official permission. Senate shall normally regard such student to have withdrawn from the University

b.         A student who does not have record of up to 75% attendance in lectures/practical shall not be eligible to write an examination

  • Instructions to Candidates
  • Students must ensure that they acquaint themselves with the instructions governing conduct of examinations
  • Candidates must attend punctually at the time scheduled for their papers. Any candidate who appears half an hour after the examination has started (commenced) shall be admitted only at the discretion of the Chief Invigilator
  • Candidates must bring with them to examination hall written materials, rulers, erasers and any other material which may be permitted by the regulations (as stated or contained hereunder)
  • Students are strongly warned in their own interest to ensure that lecture notes, textbooks, jotters, handsets, bags etc., are not brought into the examination hall.
  • For purpose of orderliness in the hall, seats shall be allotted according to the number of groups taking the examination at each particular time.
  • Candidates are not expected in the examination hall earlier than 15 minutes to the commencement of the examination.
  • Students should endeavor to keep strictly to the sitting arrangements and all chairs arranged and/or used for examination purpose should not, under any circumstance, be removed by any candidate
  • Once examination is in progress any kind of communication between candidates is strictly forbidden and any candidate found to be giving or receiving irregular (illegal) assistance shall be required to withdraw from the examination
  • Candidates should maintain silence in examination hall. Any candidate who requires any form of assistance should attract the attention of the Invigilator only by raising his/her hand.
  • Any form of smoking or drinking in the examination hall is strictly prohibited.
  • No scrap paper should be used or brought into the examination hall. All rough work must be done in the answer books, crossed out neatly and submitted along with the answer booklet.
  • All candidates taking courses in Mathematics/Statistics must bring their own mathematical or drawing instrument. Personal copies of mathematical tables shall not be allowed in the examination hall.
  • Only the matriculation number (not name) of a candidate must appear on the Examination Answer Booklet
  • Candidates must ensure that they insert at the appropriate places their matriculation number, the questions answered and other relevant information before they hand in their scripts at the end of the examination.
  • Except for their question papers and other personal materials, candidates are not allowed to remove or mutilate any paper or materials supplied by the University.
  • At the end of every examination, candidates must remain seated while invigilators go from row to row to collect answer scripts.
  • Every candidate is required to enter and sign against his/her matriculation number on the attendance register.

C.        The Use of Calculators

For students permitted to use calculators in University examinations, the following regulations shall be observed:

  1. Candidates shall be permitted the use of electronic calculators except programmable ones in the University examination
  2. It should be small (hand-held) battery operated
  3. A candidate is not permitted to borrow another candidate’s calculator during examinations, since this may result in irregular assistance to candidate(s)
  4. The candidate shall be fully responsible for correct operation or otherwise of the calculator or machine
  5. All forms of instruction manuals, calculator and containers are forbidden in examination halls. The invigilators and examination assistants have been empowered to remove them whenever and wherever they are discovered in the examination halls/laboratories
  6. Only one calculator per student is allowed
  7. The calculator must be switched off until the commencement of examination
  8. A candidate shall make available for inspection by invigilators his/her calculator on entry into the examination hall and at any time during the examination
  9. Candidates should realize that the contravention of any of these regulations shall be treated in the same was as “cheating” in an examination

D.        Examination Misconduct and Disciplinary Actions

  1. Examination code

Candidates shall:

  1. Use or consult during examination only such books, instruments or other materials as are specifically permitted or provided by the Department or Faculty in which the examination is being held.
  2. Not take or attempt to take handbags, books, notes, instruments or any other materials into the examination room
  3. Not pass or attempt to pass any information from one person to another during examination
  4. Shall not act in collusion with any other candidate(s) or person(s), or copy or attempt to copy from another candidate or engage in any similar activity.

  • Examination Misconduct

Any attempt by a candidate or group to disregard or not to observe any of the rules/regulations (i-iv) above, shall constitute examination misconduct.

  • Procedure for Investigating Alleged Examination Misconduct
  • The chief Invigilator may, at his discretion, require a candidate to leave the examination room when his conduct is judged to be disturbing or likely to disturb the examination.
  • Any such action taken by the Chief Invigilator shall be reported to the Dean immediately after the completion of the affected examination.
  • A candidate suspected of any examination irregularity shall be required to submit to the Chief Invigilator, a written statement immediately after the paper
  • Any failure by a candidate to make a written statement on the alleged examination malpractice shall be regarded as an admission of the charge against him/her.
  • The College Dean shall promptly set up a Committee of academic staff to investigate the alleged examination misconduct reported to him, the report of which must be submitted to the University Management

  • Invigilation Examinations
  • All candidates are required to maintain complete silence in the Examination Halls. Invigilators so assigned are authorized to move around during the examinations
  • The invigilator(s) assigned to each examination must remain in the examination halls and invigilate from the commencement up to the completion of the examination. Any invigilator who abandons the examination before the completion of an examination or stop students from an examination before the expiration of the time stated on the question paper shall be sanctioned appropriately.
  • Course lecturers shall not normally be made or allowed to invigilate their course(s) to ensure proper monitoring of students
  • Any invigilator who does not abide by the rules governing examination supervision shall be sanctioned by the appropriate University authority
  • Invigilators must properly check in students into the examination halls and be satisfied that no student smuggle notes, handsets or other materials into the examination hall
  • Only those who are assigned to invigilate in an examination should be found in the examination halls. Any person caught conducting illegal or unauthorized invigilation shall be made to face appropriate disciplinary action
  • The Chief Invigilator shall ensure that all examinations are properly conducted and that all invigilators sign the register at the completion of the examination.
  • Investigation of Examination Malpractice
  • The University strictly prohibits any form of examination malpractice
  • Any student established to be in possession of incriminating materials at the examination or involved in any other examination malpractice before, during or after an examination, including impersonation, shall be expelled from the University.
  • There shall be prompt treatment of all cases of examination malpractice to avoid delay in disposing reported cases. Each College shall ensure that its Examination Standing Committee submits to the Registrar the report of all examination cases within two (2) weeks after the examinations
  • The students’ Disciplinary Committee shall treat and conclude all existing cases within a month of receipt of reports from Colleges.
  • Any student suspected to be involved in any examination malpractice during any semester examination shall be required, in writing, to remain on campus after such semester examination to facilitate the process of investigation of the matter by the assigned Committee.

  • Penalties for Examination Malpractice
  • The application of penalties for examination malpractice shall be in line with the contents of regulations on examinations and also those in Decree 41 of 1993.
  • Any candidate found cheating or aiding and abetting cheating in any examination shall be rusticated for one semester or on academic session. His/her result in such an examination shall be considered invalid and in effect cancelled. Any student(s) so rusticated shall be barred from examination(s), which falls within the period of rustication from the University.
  • Once the period for which a student is rusticated is over, the candidate so penalized under (ii) above may thereafter resume his studies at the appropriate point in the following semester.
  • Any candidate so penalized under (ii) above and who is subsequently found guilty of cheating a second tine, shall be dismissed from the University.
  • A candidate who is found guilty of bringing papers, handsets and other unauthorized materials into the examination room contrary to the regulation, but is not found guilty of actual cheating, shall not be rusticated from the University, but shall have the result of the whole semester for which he/she is sitting nullified, and may reregister for those semester courses at the appropriate semester.
  • All other minor disciplinary actions in respect of examination misconduct shall take the forms of written warning, deprivation of the use of University facilities such as Halls of Residence, sports equipment and ground, library facilities and other for a specified period.

  • Answer Booklets
  • Each Faculty shall ensure that all answer booklets, including extra sheets for examinations, carry the Faculty stamp and date of examination
  • Answer booklets shall be treated as security materials and shall numbered serially.
  • It is an offence for anyone, staff or student, to put University answer booklets into any other use outside what they are meant for.
  • Invigilators must ensure that students write their matriculation numbers clearly on the answer booklet immediately on commencement of the examinations to prevent exchange of scripts and other malpractices.
  • Every candidate must clearly indicate his/her Matriculation Number and the script number at the commencement of the examination on the Attendance Register to be circulated by the Invigilators.

  • Absence from Examinations
  • It is required that candidates should present themselves at such University examinations for which they have registered under these regulations.
  • A candidate who fails to attend any examination(s) for reasons other than illness or accident or exceptional cases, shall be deemed to have failed such examination(s).
  • Any form of misreading of time-table and such other lapses on the part of candidates shall not be accepted as a satisfactory explanation for absence from University examination(s).
  • Any student who falls ill during examination should report in writing to the Dean of his/her Faculty.
  • A student who is absent from an examination on account of illness confirmed by Medical evidence from the Director of the University Health Services Unit may be allowed to sit for a make-up examination at the appropriate period without repeating the course concerned if he/she so desires. The approval for a make-up examination shall be given by the University Senate on the recommendation of the Department and Faculty Board.


Department of Sociology and Criminology

Dr. Araba K Toyin

Lecturer II
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Dr. A. F. Lawal

Lecturer I
+234 70 33316724
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Prof. N. Yusuf

+234 803 383 1876
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Mr. Y.L Olowolagba

Assistant Lecturer
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