Al-Hikmah University Journal

Al-Hikmah University Central Journal

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Adua, S.S. & Mankolo, Alhaji Haruna


This paper investigates the role of Islamic perspectives in addressing the pervasive issue of child labour among the Nupe community. The objectives of this study include examining the ethical considerations related to child labour in Islamic teachings, exploring the societal factors contributing to child labour among the Nupe people, and proposing effective strategies rooted in Islamic principles to combat this issue. The research methodology involves a comprehensive review of Quranic injunctions, Hadiths, and scholarly works on child labour and Islamic ethics, as well as qualitative interviews and surveys with stakeholders within the Nupe community. The study aims to contribute to both knowledge and society by providing a deeper understanding of the ethical dimensions of child labour from an Islamic perspective. It seeks to raise awareness among the Nupe community about the detrimental effects of child labour on children's well-being and future prospects, and to empower community members with Islamic guidelines and recommendations to eliminate child labourpractices.The recommendations stemming from this study may include promoting education and vocational training opportunities for children and families, fostering community partnerships to support economic empowerment and sustainable livelihoods, and advocating for policies and programs that align with Islamic principles of justice and compassion towards children. Overall, this study seeks to make a meaningful impact on addressing child labour and promoting social justice within the Nupe community through the lens of Islamic values and teachings.

Keywords: Child labour, Islamic Perspectives, Nupe community, Ethical consideration.
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