Al-Hikmah University Journal

Al-Hikmah University Central Journal

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Academic libraries were observed to be more equipped with information infrastructures more than any other type of libraries, but no library no matter how well equipped that doesn’t require the service of a workforce that is highly competent in the use of ICT tools, as such information infrastructure will remain unused or under-utilized. It is in connection to the above, that this study examined the Contributions of Librarians’ ICT Competence on Effective Service Delivery in Colleges of Education in North Central, Nigeria. Descriptive survey research design was adopted for the study. The population of the study consists of 63 professional librarians from 9 selected colleges of education in North-central Nigeria. The census of 63 professional librarians in the 9 colleges of education libraries constituted the sample six for the study. The researcher designed questionnaire title ‘Contributions of Librarians’ ICT Competence on Effective Service Delivery in Colleges of Education (CLICTCESDCOE)’ was used for data collection. The draft questionnaire was face and content validated by three experts from the Department of Library and Information Science, University of Nigeria Nsukka. Also, to establish the reliability of the instrument, Cronbach Alpha was used and yielded a reliability coefficient of 0.895. The data for the study were collected by direct administration by the researcher with the help of three research assistant. Out of the 63 copies of the questionnaire administrated, 60 copies were retrieved, completely filled and used for the study representing about 95% rate of return. The data collected were analyzed using frequency distribution, mean and standard deviation. The study revealed that 20 areas in which the acquisition of ICT competencies have contributed to effective service delivery of librarians, 10 methods by which librarians acquired ICT competencies, 10 problems that are associated with acquisition of ICT competencies by librarians and 7 strategies for enhancing the acquisition of ICT competencies for effective service delivery in Colleges of education libraries in north-central Nigeria. Arising from the result, the study recommended that stakeholders and the managements of the colleges of education should ensure adequate provision for ICT facilities for use towards to ensure effective acquisition of ICT competencies for service delivery in the libraries.

Keywords: Librarians, ICT Competence, Effective Service Delivery, Colleges of Education
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