Al-Hikmah University Journal

Al-Hikmah University Central Journal

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Oyewole, Solomon Oyelami (PhD)


Sustainability has become an issue in every organization today. It was believed that various factors led to the sustainable organization. Based on this, the researcher conducted this study to examine how certified accounting educators indwelling value and properties for organization sustenance in Oyo State. The study also examined the extent the qualified accounting educators are valuable and indwelling properties to acquire physical properties for organization sustenance. The study adopted descriptive survey design. Three research questions guided the study. Oyo State is the area of the study. The study population consisted of all 108 staff both teaching and non‑teaching staff accounting educators in three government owned colleges of education in Oyo State.  No sample due to small size of the population. A 30-items questionnaire was constructed by the researcher to seek the opinions of the accounting educators on the subject matter. The instrument was validated and the internal reliability of the instrument was measured using Cronbach Alpha which yielded correlation coefficient of 0.75. The data was collected through primary source and analyzed using descriptive (mean) statistics with the help of SPSS. The result of the survey showed that: Qualified Accounting educators are highly valuable, highly indwelling properties and strongly agreed that every organization must employ the services of accounting educators for organization sustenance. Therefore, the study concludes that certified accounting educators indwelling value and properties for organization sustenance. Consequently, the researcher recommends among other that: Since expertise work of accounting educator makes organization grow, every organization must make sure that the services of qualified accounting educators are employed for organization sustenance and all accounting educators must make sure that they cater for future in organizations for sustenance purposes. Also, in as much as it is easy for accounting educator to establish on his own or be self-reliance, students in secondary school must make sure they are qualified to study accounting in higher schools of learning because of bright future of accounting education, purposely for organization sustenance.

Keywords: Certified, Accounting Educator, Indwelling, Value, Properties and Organization Sustenance
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