Al-Hikmah University Journal

Al-Hikmah University Central Journal

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Prof. MurtadaAremuMuhibbu-Din: & Dr. AminuKambariMu’allimu: Department of Islamic Studies Nasarawa State University, Keffi,


Corruption has been identify as worldwide phenomenon and as age long practices predating the revelation of Qur'an. In the recent time the phenomenon is in the increase threatening political, economic and social problem in many society globally. According to Islamic teaching, any action of mankind that flout justice or rule of law whether at home, place of work, learning institutions, social or political gathering are acts of corruption. This article aim at stating clearly that Islam consider all forms of corruption staring above as crimes that are punishable with deferent degrees. The researcher used survey design method where data were collected from both primary and secondary sources. The paper discovers that Islam jurisprudence has provided solution to the problem of corruption. The paper, recommends stickiness to the Islamic law as the solution to corruption for the eradication of corruption in the throughout the world. Also, the perpetrators to face the law so as to save as detrains others

Keywords: Financial, Crimes, Islamic, Jurisprudence
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