Al-Hikmah University Central Journal
The Al-Hikmah International Journal of Finance (AHIJoF) is a bi-annual (June and December) double blind peer review publication of the Department of Banking and Finance, Al-Hikmah University, Ilorin, Kwara State, Nigeria. The Journal particularly focuses on all issues related to the field of Finance and Management. Articles written in English are expected from interested scholars and researchers in the University Academic Community, banks and other financial institutions, establishments and professionals for consideration and possible publication in its June and December, 2021 Madden Edition: Vol.1 No.1. All manuscripts are assessed initially by the editors and only those papers that met the editorial standards of the journal will be sent for review. Acceptance of all articles will be based on the quality and originality of the research and its scholarly contribution to the field of Finance and Management. The Editors and the Publisher reserve the right to modify typescripts to ensure clarity. Manuscripts requiring major corrections will be returned to the author(s).
The Journal especially encourages submissions of high-quality research papers from corporate Efinance, behavioural finance and Islamic Finance and banking. However, research coming from other areas such as Accounting, Management, Business, Economics, quantitative methods and applications, marketing, agricultural finance and economics, Corporate Governance, Entrepreneurship, regional development and others are also considered for publication.
Guideline for authors
The papers submitted to AHIJoF should be original work, must not be submitted to any other journal for concurrent publication or being considered for publication or even being reviewed or published and strictly adhere to its publication policies.
Manuscript Preparation
Papers must be written in English and should shun slang or jargon. Abbreviations and acronyms should be clearly defined when first introduced in the text. Authors should ensure consistency in their writing styles.
Length of Paper
The preferred length of a paper is between 4,500 and 5,500 words inclusive of everything (Tables, Figures, References and Appendices) or alternatively not exceeding 17 pages
Written Format
Manuscripts must be prepared using Microsoft Word (version 2003, 2007 or 2010), using Times New Roman as the font type. The Article should be double spaced for the whole manuscript except for Abstract which should be 1.0 with top, bottom and side margins at 30mm.
Cover Page
The cover page of the manuscript should include the title of the work in capital letter, name(s) of the author(s), affiliated institution(s), e-mail address(es) and phone number, the abstract and the keywords all in Times Roman font size12should be indicated. The title should be short, concise and reflective of the purpose and findings of the manuscript. The font size should be 14, bold and centralized while each word is capitalized in the title.
Abstract should be concise, informative and not more than 250 words, ‘abstract’ should be italic, typed in font size 12.
Keywords should not be more than six in alphabetical order; the word ‘keyword’ should be bold.
Tables and Figures
A brief title should be given above each table and any footnotes below. The title of tables should be written lower case and bold, typed in Times New Roman and font size 12 with single line spacing. The contents of the Table should be in Times New Roman, font size 10, single spacing, and aligned to the left.
References to the publications should strictly follow APA Latest edition. References should be arranged alphabetically by the family name or the main name of the first author.
Submission of Manuscripts
Articles should be submitted electronically to or Submission should be accompanied with a vetting fee of #5,000 only should be paid to the Journal Account and evidence of payment submitted along with the manuscript. Any article that does not adhere strictlywith the submission guideline may be returned for necessary revision before entering the review process.
Publication Fees:
A Publication Fee of #15,000 should be paid to the Journal Account upon acceptance for publication. For Inquiries contact any of the following: Editor in Chief Dr. Ajagbe T. Surajdeen. (08033909484), Business Manager Dr. K.I. Nageri (08095304482) or R. O. Ibrahim (08033145105).